Happy Valentine’s Day from our Century Medical, PC in Peabody. Let’s celebrate love! This Valentine’s day get healthier together! Use this day as an opportunity to tell your loved one how you feel about him or her and share ways that you can support each other’s health and wellness.

Don’t spread germs, spread love
Protect yourself and loved ones from flu and coronavirus by washing your hands often and getting your flu and Covid-19 vaccines.
Eat healthily
Have a healthy Valentine’s day meal that includes healthy options: foods low in salt and saturated fat and limit the sweets.
Plan an activity
Keep your heart pumping by adding at least 30 minutes of exercise to your day to help reduce your risk of heart disease.
Be heart-healthy
Check-in on your heart by knowing your blood pressure and planning a date with your doctor to talk about your heart health
Superfoods for Valentine’s Day:
• Apples – The pectin in apples provides cholesterol-lowering fiber
• Beets – Rich in vitamin C and folate, beets are packed with antioxidants and fight inflammation
• Red berries – These low-calorie fiber-rich foods are an excellent source of vitamin C
• Cherries – The antioxidant in this sweet fruit are known to protect heart health
• Grapefruit – Its vitamin C is great against colds and flu
• Pomegranate seeds – These powerful little seeds are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C
• Red peppers – These brightly-hued veggies are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids
• Red wine – Red wine contains resveratrol, a compound chock-full of antioxidants
• Tomatoes – rich in lycopene, vitamin C, and vitamin K
For more information, please call Century Medical at (978) 594-8980 or contact us online.
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