Even though it is more important than ever to stay home and social distance, your health is still our number one priority. Now we offer a new simple and secure TELEHEALTH solution to you to see a doctor through video calls using Doxy.me from the comfort of your home.
Doxy.me is a very easy-to-use web-telemedicine platform that allows us to provide continuation of your care during this COVID19 pandemic. Our goal is to keep everyone safe!

How It Works
· You don't need an account. You don't need to download anything
· Use a computer or device with a camera/microphone.
· Enter your doctor’s doxy.me web address into the browser, or just click the link your doctor sent you. Make sure you use the Chrome or Firefox web browser.
· Type in your name and click check-in
· Your doctor will start a call
Doxy.me Benefits
· Extremely easy to use
· Can work through a variety of digital devices. You can use a computer, laptop and Android and IOS mobile devices
· You can see a doctor from anywhere
· All sessions are anonymous
· Free
Call Tips
· Make sure you have a good internet connection
· Restart your device before a visit
· Check your camera and mic from the waiting room
Please call our office (978) 594-8980 or schedule your TELEHEALTH appointment online.
Stay safe and healthy!