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Eva Kavanagh

How to Prevent and Treat GERD

What is GERD?

GERD is the fancy medical term for heartburn/acid reflux/indigestion. GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) affects at least 10–20% of people in the Western world. The diagnosis is usually made based on the symptoms of heartburn & regurgitation. When the one-way valve between your esophagus and stomach is weakened, it allows food, acid, and bile to reflux into your esophagus. Reflux causes inflammation and irritation.

What are symptoms?

The common symptoms are heartburn, belching, vomiting, stomachache, and difficulty swallowing. But, also other “silent” symptoms that can be caused GERD are chronic cough, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, asthma, sleep apnea.

Some food can aggravate acid reflux. You should avoid fatty and spicy foods, tomatoes, garlic, onion, mint, chocolate, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. But here is some soothing acid reflux food that can help you: bone broth, apple cider vinegar, kombucha, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, pumpkin and other squash, raw cheese, artichokes, cucumbers, almonds, honey, wild-caught fish, chamomile tea and ginger tea.

Risk Factor

There is a definite relationship between GERD disease and obesity. Several meta-analyses suggest an association between BMI, waist circumference, weight gain, and the presence and complications of GERD (trouble swallowing, painful erosions of the esophagus, Barrett’s, & the greatest concern - esophageal cancer). We have a well-documented association between BMI and esophageal/stomach cancers. The Nurses’ Health Study showed a 40% reduction in GERD symptoms for women who reduced their BMI by 3.5 or more.

Top ways to Prevent GERD

• Avoid trigger foods and late-night eating

• Quit smoking and limit alcohol

• Manage stress

• Wait an hour after eating to exercise

• Wear loose clothing

• Manage your weight

• Elevate head while sleeping

pain in breast, heart-pain man in gray t-shirt  feeling a pain
How to Prevent and Treat GERD

GERD medicines are antacids, H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, prokinetic agents, and mucosal protective agents.

Please remember that if you have any symptoms, you need to see your own doctor for evaluation! The internet is not a place to self-diagnose or take medical advice!

For more information please call Century Medical , PC at (978) 594-8980 or contact online.

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