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Eva Kavanagh

How To Make The Most Of Your Health Insurance Before the End of The Year

The Halloween’s sweets have been eaten. It's time to turn our attention to equally pressing but less fun concerns — like all the end-of-year medical questions we need to resolve. When does open enrollment end? Are your dependents up to date? And did you meet that unreasonable deductible yet? That last question is important this time of year, because deductibles reset in January. And if the answer is yes, it's time to schedule some not-so-urgent medical appointments.

Are insurance concerns not high on your holiday list? They probably aren’t, but you could be wasting money by not reviewing your insurance usage before the holiday madness starts in earnest.

  • Deductibles – As you approach the end of the year, consider how close you are to your deductible since they reset at the end of each year. If you have met your deductible already, you have every incentive to take full advantage of all health care needs before the deductible resets.

If you wait until the beginning of the new year you can get the same work done, but you will have used up most of your coverage for the year already.

So, what kind of appointments should you make if you have met your deductible? In general, it makes sense to schedule elective procedures and preventative appointments, so you can get them out of the way before you have to start paying again.

Any diagnostic tests that you've been putting off, such as an allergy test or blood work may be worthwhile, too. And if you're really trying to be proactive, consider a colonoscopy if you've struggled with gastrointestinal issues this year and think you may want a doctor to take a closer look. Since some insurance plans will only cover mental health services once you've met part of your deductible, this could be a great time to reconnect with your therapist and get a few between-holidays appointments on her books.

If you're not sure where you stand with your deductible, just ask a representative from your health insurance company — that's what they're there for. Otherwise, take advantage of the lull between holidays to get a head start on your health for the new year.

  • Plan Changes – Given the turbulence in health care plans, the benefits you receive in the next year may be different from the ones you received this year. There is no guarantee that dental plans will remain constant from year to year, either. Do not leave any critical benefits on the table in hopes that they will increase next year.

There is one final reason you may need to use up your health insurance benefits before the end of the year – if you have not been to the doctor at all. Failing to be pre-emptive with your health is the same as failing to be pre-emptive with your finances. Nothing good ever happens in that case.

In short, take care of yourself and use all the health care and dental benefits available to you. That is just plain common sense.

Do not hesitate, schedule your visit to Doctor at Century Medical in Salem, MA.

Book your appointment ONLINE or give us at 978-594-8980.

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